8:10 p.m. | 2002-12-20

Scene Three Of The Grim Reaper.

I was really hoping he�d wait until after the holidays, but Mr. Reaper is an impatient man sometimes. So he swung his scythe and took my aunt, my father�s younger sister tonight. For over ten years she�s been fighting incurable, inoperable cancer and she thought she could make it to Christmas but she didn�t. My heart goes out to my uncle (who�s also fighting incurable, inoperable cancer), my cousins and Uncle B who just lost both of his siblings in less than a month. They say things come in 3s and they always have in my life so I�m hoping this is it for the bad stuff for a while.

And, a wonderful thing happened today also. So since things come in 3s, I�m hoping for two more to follow. It certainly helps balance things out some.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003