6:03 p.m. | 2002-12-25

Home For The Holidays.

Today was a nice, peaceful day at home. Even if you don�t celebrate Christmas and no matter what religion you are or even if you don�t believe in any religion, it certainly can�t be a bad thing to have a reverent day. If nothing else, you can have reverence for life itself. A little honor and respect in your life goes a long way towards peacefulness.

Life is so absolutely resilient. And constant. I have new growth on some trees, and I have winter bulbs and trees that are getting ready to bloom. During Winter, when so much dies back so nature can get ready for new life, it�s amazing to find things that are still thriving. People are that way too. I see all kinds of people experience such tragic events, yet they�re still able to thrive and even prosper. And, just as life is a constant, so is death. Nature has balance. So should we.

For those who had a good day, I�m happy for you. For those who didn�t, I hope good days are ahead for you.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003