5:12 p.m. | 2002-12-29

Telling It Like It Is.

The last time I visited Dearest Sister, she showed me a letter she wrote as a child. Here�s the letter, in it�s entirety.

�For Mommy,

I love you. Boy you are lucky. The end of the day.


Dearest Sister�

Analyze that! She doesn�t remember how old she was when she wrote it, but it was typed (on a typewriter, of course � no computers back then), every word is spelled correctly, and there are no mistakes or corrections. We figured she was probably 8-9 years old judging by ability and language. Every time I think of it, it makes me chuckle.

She�s one of a kind, that�s for sure. One of the best kind.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003