5:26 p.m. | 2002-12-30

Well, No Wonder I Don�t Feel Good.

I was home sick today. I thought it was due to a little change in my medications, but apparently, it�s because I�m old. I thought I was only 38, which is old to you youngsters I know, but according to some mail I received today, I�m either much older than that, or I�ve been measuring my age against the wrong scale.

See, I received a Senior Citizen Discount Offer. I can get 12 issues of a gardening magazine for only $1.00 an issue thereby saving $42.00 off the $54.00 cover price. And, it�s addressed specifically to me. It doesn�t say �Current Resident� or �Occupant�. It says Ms. Cruel-Irony. Who knew? I certainly didn�t.

It�s kinda funny too as I�m consistently told I look younger than 38. I still get carded when purchasing alcohol, people always guess that I�m at least 10 years younger than I am, and I�m often told: �Oh, you�re too young to remember this� by people my own age. In fact, when my Surprise Visitors dropped by the other day, Older Man asked if I lived here with my mother.

When solicitors drop by trying to sell me stuff, they often ask if my parents are home. I truthfully say no and close the door. Ditto with telephone solicitors, except I hang up rather than close the door. I haven�t lived with either of my parents for more than 20 years. Rightfully so I guess as I�m a senior citizen.

Well anyway, I am feeling better so I�m sure I�ll be back to work tomorrow. Well, if I don�t fall and break my hip.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003