12:34 p.m. | 2003-01-20

You Get What You Pay For, I Guess.

I had the dubious honor of hearing one side of several cell phone conversations yesterday while I was grocery shopping. Since I couldn�t hear the other side of the conversation, and because I don�t find grocery shopping particularly exciting, I ad-libbed the responses. I presumed this conversation was between a Wife (W) and her Husband (H). This is that.

(W:) (Stops in an aisle, whips out her cell phone and dials.)

(H:) Hello?

(W:) I�m in Aisle 6.

(H:) What the fuck?! You interrupted my FOOTBALL game to tell me you�re in Aisle 6?! What the hell do you want? (Remember, I�m just making up H�s side of the conversation.)

(W:) Well, what kind of salsa do you want? Do you want Brand A, Brand B or Brand C?

(H:) What kind of SALSA do I want? You interrupted FOOTBALL to ask me what kind of salsa I want? Are you insane? I don�t give a fuck what salsa you buy.

(W:) Do you want chunky salsa, salsa with jalapenos, or vegetarian salsa? (Okay, I made up �vegetarian salsa� too.)

(H:) Look, I don�t give a flying FUCK what salsa you get. I�m watching FOOTBALL! (click.)

And, to think she actually PAID to have that inane conversation. Sure they call them �free minutes� but don�t be fooled into thinking they�re actually free. They just jacked up the monthly premium and started calling it �the super family package�.

People may think they look cool talking on a cell phone, but they usually don�t sound cool at all.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003