7:45 p.m. | 2003-02-11

Boyz In The �Hood.

Today Boss� Former Boss and GuyFriend were downtown so they joined Boss, Colleague and I for lunch. Man, oh man, it�s been a too long since we�ve had a rip-roaring, food-spewing, guffawing lunch together. Unfortunately though, I got caught in the fray. This is that.

(CI:) Ouch. (Said as Colleague accidentally moved his chair backwards while I was walking behind him.)

(C:) Oh sorry Cruel-Irony, did I bang you?

(CI:) Yeah. It�s okay though.

(BFB:) What Colleague? You BANGED Cruel-Irony?! (Said loud enough for all lunch patrons to follow along.)

(CI, C:) EEEWWW!!!

(Everyone at the table:) (Laughing like hyenas.)

Okay. This was one of those disturbing moments when you EEEWWW one of your friends as they�re EEEWWWing you because you�ve both now had this vision of having sex together. D.I.S.T.U.R.B.I.N.G. I mean, Colleague is a handsome man and all but 1) he�s married and 2) he�s like a brother to me.

So, you�re like, �Oh, I�m sorry, I didn�t mean to EEEWWW you but, um yeah, EEEWWW." And then you think, �Hey did you just EEEWWW me in relation to bedding me? What�s wrong with bedding me? Uh, never mind. EEEWWW.�

And, in good BFB fashion, he followed that up with this later.

(BFB:) So Colleague, what�ve you been doing besides banging Cruel-Irony?

(CI, C:) EEEWWW. Stop it, BFB!!

However, BFB got a taste of his own medicine. He was cackling away when he changed Security Guard�s cell phone language, however, he wasn�t laughing so much when Security Guard reminded him that he knows French and easily changed it back.

There was much more too, trust me. However, I�m not sure many people can handle an episode of BFB Unleashed. It was definitely a rip-roaring, food-spewing, guffawing lunch, just like the good old days.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003