6:36 p.m. | 2003-03-05

Disneyland Disaster.

Remember Huffy, my law school study buddy? Yeah, well, during a school break one year, Huffy and his wife took their niece and nephew (ages 4 and 6, respectively) to Disneyland. The kids were excited beyond belief as they�d never been there before, and Huffy and his lovely lady were really looking forward to a little vacation.

They arrived safely, got situated in their hotel and finally got the little ones to bed after hours of begging, pleading and threatening. The next day, they arrived at the Magic Kingdom! Imagine their glee when they discovered that they chose to visit on one of the busiest days in the history of Disneyland. They had to keep closing the gates periodically, it was nearly impossible to get on the rides and the lanes were incredibly crowded.

At one point, in a stroke of genius (seemingly), Huffy decided they should attempt to bypass the crowded lanes by walking behind the scenes, so to speak. They didn�t get very far before they witnessed a horrendous sight. Up ahead they saw Goofy and Dopey, holding their heads under their arms, and deeply embroiled in a thunderous argument. Now Huffy and his wife merely saw a man and a woman, who happened to be characters at Disneyland, having a little lover�s spat. However, the children! Don�t forget about the children! In fact, Huffy and his lady immediately shielded their eyes and starting dragging them away as quickly as possible.

But, you know, the damage was already done. It was traumatizing to the little ones and so very wrong on so many levels. Goofy and Dopey were even swearing! (As was Huffy. But they were used to him swearing.)

And, the magic that is Disneyland? *Poof* It was gone. See what can happen when you take shortcuts? Let that be a lesson.

your thoughts?

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JournalCon 2003