6:59 p.m. | 2003-04-27

A New Attitude.

I started today off by sleeping in. Good lord, that has to be of my favorite things to do. I love being on my own clock. Then, you know, it was all about chores. It�ll be a happy day when I figure out how to be an adult yet avoid those pesky responsibilities. Oh yeah, that�s what money�s all about. So well, nevermind.

I did laundry, cleaned some and cooked/prepared my breakfasts for this week (chicken with Italian lemon-butter sauce, baked potatoes and salad). As a bonus, I forced myself to face a few things I�ve been avoiding lately. I sent out 3 sympathy cards, got caught up on some personal paperwork, and get this, I checked the water and oil levels in my car! Better yet, I still had oil in my car. Go me!

More importantly, I gained a new perspective on something that�s been a thorn in my side for several weeks now. In life, change is inevitable. It�s the only constant, really. Some changes are good, some suck, and some are just plain wrong. But, nonetheless, there it is.

Sometimes � oh hell, most of the time � I get all wrapped up in what it means to me. It�s not that I don�t see the �big picture� or that I find it impossible to see the positive in a negative, it�s just that I don�t like it. That part�s all about me. Well, it�s about principles too, but principles from my perspective.

That doesn�t excuse the wrongdoings of others, but when I can�t change something, well I can�t change it. It�s that simple. Time to let it go and move past it. And, since I�m being particularly vague about it, I will say that I�m not talking about any of you here at Diaryland. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with Diaryland, online journals, websites, or even computers. Or any of my friends, family members or neighbors for that matter.

The important thing is that I gained a new perspective today that makes the whole thing more positive for me.

As a special treat tonight, there are back-to-back episodes of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. I love that show. And, I love Detective Goren (Vincent D�Onofrio). I want to have his little genius albeit OCD babies. Really.

Okay, maybe I just want to date him. Or Dick Wolf. Or whoever the hell writes this stuff. Although, you know, it�s really Vincent D�Onofio�s acting that pulls all that together in such a good way.

And, since I�m just randomly throwing my thoughts about, I really wish one of the local hospitals would stop calling me and leaving me messages in Spanish. It�s rather disconcerting. Especially since I don't speak/understand Spanish.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003