5:43 p.m. | 2003-05-11

What The Hell Is Going On Here?

First off, I FINALLY did my links page. You can access it by clicking on the last sunflower on the left. Perhaps someday I�ll do my bio, but I wouldn�t count it being anytime soon. So for now, that link (the first sunflower on the left) remains under construction.

Next, I got up at 6:00am (on a Sunday!) and threw beef stew fixings into the crockpot. Don�t worry, I�m not completely insane � I did go crawl back into bed. I love homemade beef stew and usually fix it at least a couple of times during the Winter. However, for some odd reason, it never crossed my mind during this past cold season.

So, suddenly it�s 80 degrees out and I get a hankerin� for beef stew. Go figure. And, you know, people do tease me about my crockpot cooking ways, but I gotta say, it�s a great way to cook. You just throw some food in it, turn it on and hours later, you�ve got a great meal, minimal clean up and it makes your house smell fantastic. Breakfast this week: beef stew.

Finally, I had a sudden inspiration to wash my car this morning. Yes, you read that right. I washed my car today. It�s been awhile. Since August 25, 2002 to be exact. (I looked it up in my diary.) So what�s that? Almost 9 months ago? And here, all this time, you guys were probably thinking I was washing it on a regular basis. Nope. Not by a long shot.

People often think I�m exaggerating when I say that I really, really HATE car-related things. Frankly, that�s one of the few things I don�t exaggerate about, because that kind of HATE just doesn�t need any enhancing.

Well, I gotta go now as I have a gazillion things to do. Okay, I�m exaggerating. I only have a million things to do. Well, maybe hundreds of things to do. Alright, alright� I have a few things to do. Geesh, you guys are a tough crowd.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003