8:12 p.m. | 2003-06-29

Apparently, I�ve Been �Old� For A Long Time.

While packing stuff up, I came across a letter Oldest Nephew sent me when he was little. Here�s that.

Dear Aunt Cruel Irony, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. Also I hope you like being OLD! Happy Birthday. Do you feel older? You should. Anyway, Happy Birthday. Love, Oldest Nephew.

P.S. I am too young to be considered old.

Can you see the family resemblance?

And, why yes, I have been packing. I�m off to a good start, but boy am I gonna be hating myself over the next three evenings. I must say that I am sooo glad I got rid of a bunch of stuff. I so love me for that.

But my books? Yeah, still in denial about �em. I already know that I don�t have enough bookcases for them all. See, here I have two very deep built-out bookshelves that house two rows of big books each. On top of that, I have two small bookcases. I�ll be moving my big bookcase � that�s been in the garage for the last 3 years � which will replace the built-out. However, it doesn�t hold as many books. No matter how much I keep fantasizing that it will.

So� I need to donate some books too. However, I haven�t gone through them yet. Actually, the Charity Truck did haul away two big boxes of books, but those books were in the garage because they didn�t fit into my house. Literacy is great and all, but it takes up a lot of space.

Oh well, to quote my buddy tuff517, I�ll �probably be moved before I even realize it�. You know, Tuff and I share that same optimistic outlook on life. Just ask her, she�ll tell you all about it. We�re like two little Pollyannas. Well, except without the �Pollyanna� part.

What the hell am I muttering about? Geez.

Oh, and guess what? Tonight�s the last night I�ll be watching TV until Thursday. I have to turn in my cable box tomorrow � which I hope I remember to do. Now, without my cable box, I get absolutely no reception at all. None whatsoever. My TV sits in a built-in under my stairs. Try to get a visual of THAT. And, I donated my old one that I had upstairs. I�m hoping that the lack of TV will facilitate packing. However, it may just facilitate my use of the internet.

I really have no idea what I�m rambling on about tonight. I�m tired. And sore. And just a tad cranky since I�m stressed. Oh, and I don�t think I�ve eaten either. That could be a problem.

But, there is one thing I�m sure of. If I had the time, I�d run over to the Office Supply Store and kiss the young man that told me that I really should throw down a few more dollars for the tape dispenser (the one you use to tape up boxes). He could not have been more right when he said it was worth a few bucks to avoid the frustration of trying to tape up boxes without a dispenser.

I would kiss him, hug him and tell him that he�s brilliant! I�d even tell him that I�d name my firstborn child after him. I�m not planning on having any children, but he doesn�t need to know that. That tape dispenser is a cool, cool thing.

Of course, I don�t really know what I�m gonna use it for after I move, but I�m sure loving it right now.

During this move, since I decided to purge, I had to come face-to-face with an odd, annoying and stupid habit that I have. See, every time I change jobs, I pack up all the crap on my work desk, put it in a box and never, ever unpack it. I went through 3 boxes of desktop stuff.

I think I kept 2 things out of it all. And, good lord, I have way too many nameplates and old business cards.

On a side note, I came across my business cards from when I was a computer programmer. I set one aside to take to work to show Intern because I still don�t think he believes me.

I stepped out momentarily to give some gardening stuff to Mr. Teacher. Ms. Shrink2 (MS2) was also outside with Baby B. For the last week or so, I�ve been spending some time every day visiting with MS2 and Baby B. MS2 and I talk while we chase after Baby B and play with her. It�s become a very peaceful part of my day. I�m gonna miss all my neighbors when I move although I�m sure I�m gonna enjoy my new ones.

MS2 and I had an interesting conversation too. This is that.

(MS2:) Who was that very handsome man at your house yesterday? Is he your boyfriend?

(CI:) HAHAHAHA! *snort*. Uh, no. That was Scotty. He�s one of my buddies from law school.

(MS2:) Well, he�s very handsome and seemed nice. And, he looks young too. I was gonna congratulate you finding such a great guy.

(CI:) He is handsome and he is nice. He just turned 40 and currently dies the gray right out of his hair. Well, and he took up jogging and runs in marathons now. He�s not too keen on aging. And, there�s just never been a �spark� there. However, he did tell me this funny story about his date on Friday night.

Yeah, she thought it was a little odd too.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003