6:30 p.m. | 2003-07-11

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me.

I was whining to Boss this morning and she was her normal sympathetic self. Here�s that.

(CI:) (Grumble, Grumble) I STILL don�t have any TV. It�s driving me nuts. Is it too much to ask for or what?

(Boss:) I KNOW you have books; do you have videos?

(CI:) Of course.

(Boss:) Watching movies and reading all weekend. Yeah, that sounds just terrible.

I haven�t really been reading because I�ve been fiddling around with the unpacking and all. And, I honestly didn�t think to throw a movie in. See, I�m picky about movies, so pretty much all the ones I own are my favorites. It�s really easy to get sucked into sitting down and watching movies all day.

However, I couldn�t take the silence anymore so I just popped in Little Lord Fauntleroy. It�s my �Pollyanna� side that makes me watch things like that. And, Little House on the Prairie. Well, and The Waltons. In fact, I�d love to watch a Little House on the Prairie marathon with haloaskew.

There are two things that I know I�m gonna do this weekend. First, I�m gonna get some much needed sleep, and second, I�m gonna get my livingroom ready (read: move/unpack boxes) for the delivery of my furniture next week.

Hopefully, by the time I get my TV back, I�ll be well rested and I�ll have my couch to sit on.

I�m feeling a tad overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do, what with Christmas just around the corner and all. I think getting some rest would be beneficial. As would doing a little gardening and visiting the pond at MyPark.

I�ve been working hard for the last six weeks. Both at work and at home. Actually, I�m surprised I haven�t collapsed yet. But, I can tell that I�m getting close.

Time to commence with the resting. I�ll catch ya on the flip side.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003