11:03 p.m. | 2003-07-29

Uncomfortable Moments.

Shortly after I found my Dreamspace, I discovered that OurBoss from MyOtherWorkplace lives here during the week. His home is elsewhere and he returns there every weekend.

I�ve never lived anywhere near one of my bosses, or my bosses� boss, and so on. Rather unnerving in a way. Whether it would be the idea of a strange moment when I�m carrying my laundry downstairs and he sees my �unmentionables�, or he shows up at my Dreamspace during my �off� hours to give me an assignment.

However, he lives on another floor, has a different schedule and, presumably, isn�t around on the weekends. Hence, I�ve never run into him. In fact, Colleague asked me about that today. This is that.

(Colleague:) Have you ever seen OurBoss from MyOtherWorkplace at TheHotel?

(CI:) No. I�ve been lucky that way.

(Colleague:) That seems odd. TheHotel isn�t that big, so I�d think you�d run into him at some point.

(CI:) People, including myself, are rather discreet at TheHotel so I don�t find it too unusual. In fact, I really haven�t seen most of the other residents.

(Colleague:) Well, maybe you�ll see him soon.

(CI:) I hope not.

No offense to OurBoss intended. It�s just that I�ve always kept work and my personal life separate. It seems weird, to me, to mix that all up together. However, Colleague jinxed me with his commentary.

Hence, I ran into OurBoss while I was unloading groceries from my car. I was carrying a new package of toilet paper when I ran into him. Fortunately, he was talking on his cell phone at the time, so we just acknowledged each other.

It�s hard to feel professional when you�re wearing overall shorts and carrying a huge package of toilet paper.

I�m quite sure it could have been way worse though, so I�ll just be thankful he only saw me manhandling a big package of TP.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003