12:11 a.m. | 2003-08-08

Is It Just Me?

Everyone in my little Cruel-Irony world has gone wacko. I�m serious. Of course, I�m not talking about any of my friends, nor most of my relatives. Or Lancelot. And, I�m certainly not talking about any of you. But outside of those exceptions, seriously, my little world has gone crazy.

Not that it wasn�t just a little off in the first place, but it has manifested into something different altogether.

Object all you want on the grounds of my statements being vague and ambiguous. However, since I�m the judge of all things in my little world, I�ll just overrule you.

You all just move along now.

So, the folks at the Cable Company are trying to work my last nerve. How do I know this? Well, because they sent me a bill for cable services for July and August. At my former residence.

You might remember that I cancelled my cable effective June 30, returned my cable box and then promptly received a bill for services in July. I called them and they said they�d take care of it. Now, I didn�t expect that they�d �take care of it� by continually billing me at my old address.

Oh, no. Certainly not. I had a whole different scenario in mind. One that involved removing the July charges and closing that account. But, you know, I can be silly like that sometimes. Apparently, they just decided to bill me for services at both my former residence and my current residence.


So, I�ll be calling them AGAIN tomorrow.

However, this fiasco reminded me to check on my Credit Card situation of late. The extraordinarily cheerful Customer Service Person actually backed out the annual fee AND changed my address.

Can I get a Glory Hallelujah?

Quip of the Day.

(CI:) Did you just call me crazy?

(Him:) Yes, I believe that I did.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003