7:32 p.m. | 2003-08-12

Hot Damn! Whoa.

My Eye Doctor�s office called me today at 4:45pm. This is that.

(CI:) Good Afternoon. MyWorkPlace. This is Cruel-Irony.

(EDO:) Hi Cruel-Irony. This is Dr. Eye Doctor�s Office and I�m calling you to let you know that your glasses are in.

(CI:) Hot Damn! Er, Hot Dog! Sorry, I didn�t mean to swear.

(EDO:) That�s okay. Anyway, they�re here for pickup.

(CI:) Can I come pick them up now?

(EDO:) Sure.

(CI:) Cool! I�m right next door so I�ll see you in a few. Thanks!

As I was rushing out of the building, I suddenly realized that I was racing to pick up my new BIFOCALS. ARGH! Actually, I was just thinking of the cool new frames; I forgot about that whole other issue. Yikes! The memory�s the first thing to go. Oh wait� mine�s already gone. Phew. Oops, I fell off track there for a second.

So I went and picked them up. And, guess what? They ARE cute. I wasn�t quite sure if they would be considering my pupils were all dilated and shit when I picked them out. I really relied on the cute young lady that helped me. She did good. While the frames around the actual lenses are silver, the sidepieces are pink.

Did you catch that? Pink. I�m wearing pink and I�m actually okay with that. Go figure. I�m all girly and stuff.

I�m doing pretty well with the lenses too. They don�t have a line across them � well, they do, it�s just invisible � but there�s definitely a difference between the top and bottom areas of lenses. Occasionally, I have a �whoa� moment and have to grab onto something and shift my focus. But, for the most part, so far so good.

I�m 38 and wearing bifocals. Of course, I�ll be 39 at the end of the month, but still. I�m taking solace in the fact that I got carded at the grocery store tonight.

I saw Halloween peeps (orange, pumpkin shaped peeps) while I was shopping. In August? What is up with that?

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003