7:28 p.m. | 2003-08-25

Socializing, Apologizing, Synchronizing And Agonizing.

Today was a busy day, but I snuck away for a quick walk down the street to drop off the roll of film from yesterday at a place with a one-hour photo service. When I walked in, I grabbed their weekly ad insert to see if they were running any deals. While I was busy perusing that, this happened.

(Carl:) Hi Cruel-Irony!

(CI:) Oh hi, Carl. (You remember Carl, right? He�s one of my new friends from the Senior Center next door to my new home.)

(Carl:) Fancy seeing you here!

(CI:) Well, I took a quick break to drop off this film. What are you up to?

(Carl:) I just had coffee with Alex at the CoffeeHouse. Now, I�m just wandering around. There is just nothing to do Downtown. I�ve been to 5 movies so far and I�m already tired of that.

(CI:) It�s pretty hot out today; it�d be a good day to walk down to the river.

(Carl:) I just went to the river a couple of weeks ago. There�s just nothing else to do.

(CI:) (Deeply engrossed in the ads.) It�s hard for you, I know.

(Carl:) I better go so you can drop off your film.

(CI:) Okay, see you later. Tell Alex I said hi.

I quickly headed to the film counter when this happened.

(FormerColleague:) Hi Cruel-Irony. How�s it going?

(CI:) Oh hey, good to see you. Things are fine. Just came in to drop off this film. How are things going in your neck of the woods?

(FormerColleague:) Everything�s fine. I just came in to drop off some film too.

We got caught up while we filled out our respective depository envelopes. Then, we were informed that our film would not be processed in one hour because they had an equipment failure. They recommended that we check back with them tomorrow afternoon. As we were leaving, I made this inquiry.

(CI:) Is the price for one-hour servicing gonna be the same?

(PhotoLady:) Of course. We certainly won�t charge you more for the delay.

Okay. Obviously, the logic in my question flew over her head. Personally, I was thinking more along the lines of them charging us the lower price you pay for next day service, but after receiving that response, I think I�ll wait to negotiate that matter until I pick my pictures up.

I headed back to the office to apologize to Boss for my pissy and inappropriate attitude last Friday. This is that.

(CI:) Hi Boss, I�m back. And, I want to apologize for my behavior last Friday. I was totally out of line and I�m very sorry.

(Boss:) (Shrugs.) It�s okay. You were in a lot of pain and didn�t feel well.

(CI:) Be that as it may, it doesn�t excuse my inappropriate behavior. And, you certainly didn�t deserve to bear the brunt of my pain and stuff.

(Boss:) You look and seem much better today. Is your pain less? Do you feel better?

(CI:) Yeah, I gotta a lot of rest this weekend and a massage. Both worked wonders for me.

(Boss:) I�m glad you�re feeling better, and that you got some rest.

I marvel at the coolness that is my boss. She�s the best and, I�m so fucking lucky.

Speaking of cool� I�ve signed up for JournalCon. And, my roommate is the Queen of Cool herself. As a bonus, I�ve also arranged to meet up with another one of my Super Cool buddies. I can hardly wait!

I must say that Boss is a little perplexed that I�m taking time off to go to Texas rather than, say, Tahiti or something, but I just kind of glossed over that part mumbling something about visiting friends and whatnot.

And, I must say, it�s good that I�m looking forward to something because Colleague jinxed me AGAIN.

Here�s a quick recap on that situation. Back in June, I decided to move Downtown after I fell in love with my Dreamspace at TheHotel. Somewhere in that process, I discovered that OurBoss (Boss� Boss) is a semi-permanent resident at TheHotel � meaning that he�s only here during the week and returns to his actual home in another city on the weekends. However, since he�s on a different floor and keeps a different schedule, I was hoping that I wouldn�t run into him very often or at all.

Everything was fine until the first time Colleague asked me if I ever see OurBoss at TheHotel. I ran into OurBoss � while wearing overall shorts and carrying a huge package of toilet paper - that very day. Since then, I only run into him, outside of work, when Colleague asks me if I�ve seen him.

Hence, I told Colleague � very sternly, I might add � to quit asking me that question. Just when I�d started to relax, this happened today.

(CI:) Hi Colleague. I just dropped by to let you know that I ran into FormerColleague today and she asked me to tell you hi.

(C:) Oh, how�s she doing?

Then we proceeded to discuss that and other things. Then, he blew it. Here�s that.

(C:) Have you talked to or seen OurBoss lately?

(CI:) Oh my god! I can�t EVEN believe that you asked me that! How could you do that to me? Are you trying to make the Bastard of The Year list? Gah! I just can�t believe it.

(C:) (Laughing.) I�m sorry. Really. It just slipped out. Honestly, I didn�t really mean to ask you that. Since I did though, you�re gonna have to go back to sneaking around TheHotel.

(CI:) OH! I just CANNOT believe you! You�re so MEAN.

(C:) How do you even know that I�m jinxing you? It could be pure happenstance.

(CI:) But, it�s not. I know a jinx when I see one.

I can hardly wait to see what he�s done to me now. That jinxing bastard.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003