1:10 a.m. | 2003-09-06

I�ve Been Super Jinxed.

I went to work today, and well, worked. I then joined Boss for a brief yet fruitful shopping excursion after work, went home and ran some errands. Then, hell froze over, so I went clothes shopping.

I came home, unloaded everything and realized that I needed to take the trash out. I wanted to do that right away before I got involved with other things. By then, it was after 9:00pm. Perfect. Too early to run into my posse of seniors, and too late to run into OurBoss (my boss� boss).

I forgot all about the Jinx. Of course.

They�ve been doing some roadwork all around TheHotel as of late. It involves many little pebbles, hence I can�t walk anywhere without a little stone creeping around underfoot.

I took out the trash and got a pebble in my shoe. Of course, I sat on the bumper guard in the alley in order to extract this irritant. Just as I was ready to head back inside, OurBoss came walking down the alley. Talking on his cell phone. I was hoping I hadn�t caught his attention, but as soon as he saw me, he waived. I waived back.

Then, I sat there. Like a fish in a barrel. If nothing else, I�m polite. I can swoon, embarrass or destroy people with my politeness.

OurBoss proceeded towards me while I was deliberating on just exactly how I was gonna use my politeness. Well, politely. Of course. I was hoping he�d wave as he passed me and continue with his phone conversation. Instead, he told whomever he was talking to that he had to call them back. Then this happened.

(OurBoss:) What are you doing out here?

(CI:) (Not wanting to explain that whole trash-pebble situation.) Uh, just getting some fresh air. You know, de-stressing?

(OurBoss:) Oh, it�s been an easy week; what�s there to stress about at work?

(CI:) At work? Um, that�s okay at the moment. It�s just, um, our busy time. Have you been listening to all that stuff?

(OurBoss:) What stuff?

(CI:) The proceedings.

(OurBoss:) No, I don�t have time for that.

(CI:) Well, you know that we have to listen to it, and it�s been pretty crazy lately.

(OurBoss:) Yeah, it�s been a little wacky.

(CI:) (Getting up and walking back to my Dreamspace.) And, I�ve been learning a lot about This and That. Such stuff is outside my normal topical areas, so I�ve been studying about it.

(OurBoss:) Oh, but you have that one document. The one written by so-and-so. That�s a great one. I wrote it myself, actually.

(CI:) I analyzed that today. The changes are very good actually. It�s much more efficient now. We�re doing okay, right?

(OurBoss:) Yeah, you guys are doing great.

(CI:) See you later.

I was actually thinking about my uncle�s death, but OurBoss doesn�t know anything about that. And, good thing for me, I didn�t say �oh fuck� out loud when I saw him walking down the alley.

I don�t dislike OurBoss or anything; I just don�t want to discuss work after 9:00pm on a Friday night. After I went clothes shopping and all that.

Please, Scotty, just beam me up already.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003