8:47 p.m. | 2003-10-15

Houston, We�ve Got A Problem. Er, Nevermind, It�s Just Some Brain Fog.

Colleague (C) and I went to lunch today. Here�s a portion of our conversation.

(C:) So, are you ready for your trip?

(CI:) What trip?

(C:) Aren�t you going to Texas?

(CI:) Oh that trip. Yeah, I�m pretty excited about it.

(C:) Aren�t you going real soon?

(CI:) Yeah, I�m leaving on Friday morning. What�s today?

(C:) Wednesday.

(CI:) Well, I guess I should start packing then.

(C:) Um, how are you getting to the airport?

(CI:) Lancelot�s taking me.

(C:) Good.

I think Colleague�s a little worried that I might forget to go. However, what he fails to understand is that this isn�t �a trip�. This is JournalCon! I might forget my luggage or something, but I�m not gonna forget to get on that plane. Brain fog notwithstanding.

I had this interesting conversation with Another Colleague (from a different division) while we were in the elevator this afternoon.

(AC:) This is probably a really weird question, but were you wearing that same outfit this morning?

(CI:) Uh, no. See, sometimes I do a wardrobe change midday, just to keep things �fresh�. Of course, this is the same outfit. What the hell are you thinking?

(AC:) I�m sorry. I don�t know why I was thinking you were wearing something different earlier.

(CI:) No problem. Shoot, I don�t know why you think most of the stuff you think either. Maybe you�ve been hitting the crack a little too much lately.

(AC:) Oh, don�t even pretend you weren�t at that little party.

(CI:) What party? See ya.

(AC:) See ya.

The crack accusations? It�s just a long-standing joke between us. The fashion commentary? That�s straight out of the blue. Which kind of enhances that whole crack thing if you ask me.

Well, I best get going. I�ve got some packing to do.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003