12:07 a.m. | 2003-10-15

In Case Of An Emergency And Other Exciting Stuff.

It�s hard to believe that in about 2 days, I�ll be heading to Texas. There are a couple of things I forgot about. One was that Lancelot gallantly volunteered to shuttle me to and from the airport in MyTown, yet I�d neglected to provide him with my flight information.

So, when we met for lunch today, I did just that. I also gave him the name and number of the hotel. Just in case. In case of what? In case TheHotel burns down?

See, no one in my family knows Lancelot. Actually, I believe only Dearest Sister (DS) knows that Lancelot and I�ve been keeping company but she doesn�t have his number and he doesn�t have hers.

Of course, Boss and Colleague know I�m going out-of-state, but they don�t have any reason to call me nor do they know how to reach anyone in my family or even Lancelot.

After considering all that, I figured I ought to tell someone in my family that I�m going out-of-state. Hence, I called DS tonight. Here�s that.

(DS:) Hello?

(CI:) Hey Woman, it�s me.

(DS:) What�s up?

(CI:) Well, I�m going to Texas and I thought maybe someone should know. That way, if I don�t ever come back, at least you know where to start looking.

(DS:) Oh yeah, you mentioned Texas a while back. When are you going?

(CI:) This Friday.

(DS:) Why are you going there again?

(CI:) For the Writers� Conference.

(DS:) Is that the diary thing?! Already! That�s so exciting!

Just for the record, DS is the only person I�ve ever told that I have an online diary. However, she�s not online, has never seen Diaryland, and, consequently, has never read my diary. Yet, she �gets it�.

(CI:) Yeah.

(DS:) That�s so cool. And, I�m really glad you called because StepMom asked me to call you a while back but I haven�t.

(CI:) Why?

(DS:) Well, there�s been a change in the spreading of the ashes ceremony. (We�re spreading my father�s ashes the following weekend.)

(CI:) What�s up?

We discussed that and many other things. Lets just say that the next two weekends are full up. But DS is gonna be making albondigas which makes everything that much better. Well, and I�ll be helping her.

In other news, I�m gonna be a Great Aunt! In January! For the first time! I knew the news a while back but I received an official announcement � with a sonogram picture � in the mail today. Dearest Sister�s Eldest Son (my Eldest Nephew) is expecting a boy in mid-January. And, the sonogram picture is actually pretty good.

I have to admit that it was a little strange that I first became an aunt at 17. It�s also feels a little odd that I�ll be a great aunt � so to speak � at 39. But then again, Little Nephew is gonna be an uncle at 3 years old.

It�s fun though. I love the wee ones.

Tip of the Day.

Read this.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003