11:12 p.m. | 2003-11-05

I Don�t Think I�ll Ever Graduate From The School of Hard Knocks. Or Rocks. Or Whatever. (Note: I Tend To Headline In Whatever.)

The rocks are getting smaller. But, they sting more. And, ironically, I really like rocks. However, I like rocks in a box with socks much better. Just saying.

Anyway, I was at sitting at my desk talking to Boss when Cher (another colleague, and friend), stopped by for a moment. Here�s that.

(Cher:) Hi guys. I just wanted to introduce MyFriend.

(CI & Boss:) (We both shake her hand and respond repetitiously.) Nice to meet you.

(MF:) Nice to meet you both.

(Cher:) Yeah, MyFriend is visiting us while she�s on leave from Iraq.

(CI:) Oh. Um� well, I�m really glad you�re here and not in Iraq. Wow. Yes, I�m very happy you�re here.

(Cher:) She�s been helping out at TheCenter. (Read: Volunteering at a local children�s center. Just for background, I know the founder and Cher is on the Board of Directors. Cher and I both help out and make donations.)

(CI:) Oh, TheCenter. It�s a great place. Have you been enjoying your work there?

(MF:) Yes, very much so. It is a great place.

(CI:) I�m so glad you�re enjoying your visit.

(MF:) Yeah, me too. I go back to Iraq tomorrow.

(CI:) Uh� I�m so sorry to hear that.

Cher and Boss were involved in a separate conversation during this time. Then this happened.

(Cher:) (To MyFriend.) I need to give you CI�s email address. She�s really great with writing them, and she always responds. She�s a good one to keep in touch with.

(MF:) Great!

(Cher:) Well, we have to go now.

(Boss:) It was nice to meet you.

(CI:) Yeah, it was. Best of luck in Iraq and, please, feel free to email me. Take good care.

And, they were off to meet other people.

I was pondering all that when I was finally given a kind of official, but not quite official, notice that I�ll be receiving my pink slip shortly.


I�m not taking it personally, because it�s not personal. I�m climbing into a sinking boat that�s already full of people. MyWorkPlace is dissolving. That�s a strange, but true, fact. All the planets had to line up in a perfectly straight line to make that happen. And, they did.

The clich� of �The truth is stranger than fiction� is alive for a reason. Because life is that way.

So, well, I�m right back to that whole �food and shelter� issue. However, I can better meet that challenge now than in the past. I think. Don�t want to jinx myself.

But, I will quote myself. (Well, not really �myself�� just clich�s I�ve picked up along the way that I�ve embellished.)

�In the end, it�ll all work out. And, be good or something. Been down this road a gazillion times� it�s all blah, blah, blah and then it all works out. It�s the blah, blah, blah that gets tiresome.�

But, I�m not in Iraq, I have an updated resume (oddly) and I still have all my fingers and toes.

See, at the end of the day, I really do count my blessings.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003