10:55 p.m. | 2004-02-14

New Monikers And New Wheels.

I went out to brunch, as usual, this, um, afternoon. Again, I was seated in my favorite waiter�s section. It�s taken me some time to make up a moniker for him, but I finally did. I�m now calling him Boston Boston.

For the sake of my diary, I mean. When he�s waiting on me, I actually call him by his name, of course.

However, he really reminds me of Austin Austin, so I had to come up with something similar. If you attended JournalCon last year, chances are you know who Austin Austin is. See, Boston Boston is quite similar. Young (albeit, older than Austin), very, very handsome, great sense of humor and fantastic at customer service. Well, and flirty. In that really great way.

As opposed to that really obnoxious and annoying way.

So, I don�t think I need to tell you how much I enjoyed brunch. We�re settling into a routine now. One that involves a lot of flirting and several refills of ice tea. Oh, and great service, of course.

And, Austin Austin is a great comparison because, yes Mare, he is that yummy.

In other news, my 15-year-old car will soon be put out to pasture. What pasture, I�m not sure, but I�m picturing some tombstones as accessories.

I�m ready to move on, but it�ll be different. I bought my car brand new and I�ve been its sole owner. It�s not fancy or anything and, if you�re a regular reader, you know that I haven�t babied it at all. Quite the contrary, actually. In fact, I don�t believe it�s even been washed since last summer. That�s genetic � get it from my father.

Anyway, I�ll be purchasing a used car (4 years old) from YoungerSister. Yes, she does have a spare car. That�s a result of a fully-paid college education (by MyDad), a dual-income marriage situation, and a decent job. Oh, and that car was �gifted� to them.

Am I bitter? Yeah. A little. But mostly, I really hope that people appreciate what others do for them. It can really give you an advantage here and there.

However, I have to say that she�s really cutting me a good deal. That�s very cool. And, that�s also exactly what I need right now. I�m certainly appreciating all that.

It�s gonna be a little strange though. As much as I neglect my car, it�s really comfortable for me. Well, and I�ll have to clean it out now. Not that it�s messy, but who knows what�s in the glove box? It�s been 15 years for goodness sakes.

What�s a little change though, right?

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003