10:03 p.m. | 2004-03-03

It�s Wise To Know When To Pick Up Your Marbles And Go Home. And, Sometimes, It�s Wiser Just To Stay Home.

Today was that day for me. I was awake all night due to muscle spasms and hence I didn�t get any sleep. Lots of pain, but no rest. That really, really irritates me, but I know that I only make it worse if I go to work all flared up with no rest.

When I get to that point, frankly, I�m just a bitch. Truly. I�m working on it and I know that pain isn�t an excuse, but when I�m at that point, it does become an excuse. Because of that, I didn�t go to work. Not that I couldn�t or wouldn�t just suck it up and work, but because I�d actually have to deal with people right up front and all.

When I�m in this much pain, I don�t want folks asking me how I�m doing or noting that I seem uncomfortable physically. Really, I don�t. When I hear that crap, I just want them to feel the pain I live with daily. Well, and, I swear a lot and say things that really shouldn�t be said aloud. That�s not healthy, or a good thing.

So, until I learn how to park that pain at the curb, I just choose to bench myself.

Like I said, today was one of those days. However, I don�t really know when that�s gonna happen, so it was very inconvenient. I had things I�d planned to do. Hence, after I called NewBoss, I called OMC because I needed a number. Here�s that.

(OMC:) WorkPlace, OMC.

(CI:) Hey, it�s CI. I�m not coming in today because I just woke up. Even more sorry is that I just went to sleep.

(OMC:) Oh god, I hate that. I�m guessing you�re in pain.

(CI:) Why, yes, I am. (See, why I don�t go to work on such days.) But, hey, can you do me a favor?

(OMC:) Sure. What�d need?

(CI:) I need to call someone and her number is on my�

(OMC:) Wait, can I put you on speakerphone?

(CI:) Sure.

(OMC:) Are you there?

(CI:) Yes.

(OMC:) Where is the number?

(CI:) It should be on a sticky note on my computer. I mean, right on my computer. I need the number for ThisPerson.

(OMC:) Oh yeah, it�s right here. Okay, here�s the number.

(CI:) Thanks.

(OMC:) No problem.

A couple of minutes after I hung up, I realized that I needed ThisPerson�s number in order to give her ThatPerson�s number. Which, of course, I didn�t have at home. So I called OMC again.

(OMC:) WorkPlace. OMC.

(CI:) Hey, it�s me again. Um, I need another favor.

(OMC:) Okay. Can I put you on speakerphone again?

(CI:) Sure.

(OMC:) Are you there?

(CI:) Yeah. See, I need to call ThisPerson in order to give her ThatPerson�s number. But, of course, I don�t have ThatPerson�s number. See, that�s one reason why I should just stay home today.

(I heard NewOfficeMate laughing in the background.)

(OMC:) Where�s that number?

(CI:) On the same sticky note. Of course.

So, at least, I made that call. It was a good call too.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003