11:01 a.m. | 2004-03-02

Intimidation. It�s An Interesting Thing.

I have to say, right up front, that I�m not intimidated when, I guess, I should be. I don�t really know how to even say that right. I guess. I�m certainly respectful, a lot actually, but not easily intimidated.

For example, NewBoss has mentioned, frequently, that he appears to be intimidating to others. However, I don�t feel intimated by him.

Quite the opposite actually.

And, to punctuate that feeling, I had a rather odd exchange with NewBoss this morning. Like, really early this morning.

He lives around the corner from me and we usually take different routes, however, today, we �ran into each other� on the way to work. Oh, and we were both late. Just for the record. Here�s what went down.

(CI:) (Walking down the street, stopping at the ATM knowing that I�m already late and have to make another stop along the way� and suddenly noticing a shadow cast from someone behind me.)

(NB:) Hey, CI.

(CI:) (Not missing a step and not looking behind me.) Hey, NewBoss. I�ll bet you�re going where I�m going.

(NB:) How�d you know it was me behind you?

(CI:) (Two words: voice recognition.) Uh, because I�m brilliant?

Well, that and late to work.

See, not intimidating. Not to me at least. Here�s what is intimidating.

I�m working on an analysis that harkens back to that unofficial second job that I had for a very long time that I should just shrug off but I just can�t shrug off. I even asked NewBoss introduce me to the person that now handles my old unofficial second job. Yet, come to think of it, that was only to facilitate what I�m doing now.

Ouch. Two worlds colliding. There should be fireworks.

Anyway, I recognized a win-win-win situation and made some calls. But, it�s an awkward situation. Perhaps. You be the judge.

Here�s a shortened version of various phone calls I�ve been making.

(CI:) Thanks for all the information you�ve given me. It�s helpful. And, I feel your pain, because I used to have this other job so I know of what you speak. I�m actually pleased that I got this assignment. Everything seems to be going well; are you anticipating any troubles?

(Important Person:) There might be some problems, but I�m getting all these folks lined up to speak on this matter so I hope that�ll make a difference.

(CI:) Oh. Are you familiar with this case?

(IP:) No.

(CI:) I�m not surprised as it�s local, but the same deal. The surviving spouse would make a great �witness�. She�s become an advocate and she�s smart, articulate and honest. She�d do you good. So to speak. Do you want to talk to her? I mean, I could arrange that and all.

(IP:) That�d be great.

(CI:) Write her name down because that�s a done deal. I think. I�ll check, but write down her name.

(IP:) Got it. Thanks.

After that, I had to call this other person � who�s just as important, but I�ve already used that moniker � so I�ll call him, um, well, DP as in Different Person. Here�s that.

(CI:) I�m not sure if you remember me, but I worked with you on this case. But now I don�t do that and I work over here, and I�m doing my regular job, however there�s a crossover thing going on. Are ya getting that?

(DP:) Gottcha, I remember you and that case. Actually, I�m working on those cases fulltime now.

(CI:) Cool. Here�s the deal. IP needs several strong advocates for this thing I�m analyzing that I�m sure you support.

(DP:) Yeah, I�m with ya.

(CI:) Well, do you think this person would want to go this far� you know� um, testify, or whatever. She�s always been great; is she still in it now? It�s been a couple of years. You know�

(DP:) She�ll be there in five minutes. Really. If you wanted here right this second, I swear she�d be here.

(CI:) Really? What a relief. I wasn�t sure if she was still active on this stuff. That said, um, do you have her phone number?

(DP:) Well, not on me, but yes I do have that. I�m not in the office at the moment but I�ll call you back and leave it for ya.

(CI:) That�d be great because all I have is a friend�s number, um, you know, from back when it happened.

(DP:) Rest assured, she�ll want to do this and talk to you and I�ll give you her number. It�s all cool. Trust me, I talk to her weekly.

(CI:) Really? How�s Junior? He�s around three years old now, right?

(DP:) He�s fine. He�s good.

So then, I was left with the task of calling Junior�s mother. This is where intimidation sets in.

As a side note, I�ve had friends that were murdered but not a family member. Well, per se. But, certainly never a spouse. At work. You know, when murdering shouldn�t be on the agenda. Not that it ever is, but I deal with it a lot and it doesn�t happen so much during the �regular� workday.

I called her and left a really sorry message. Here�s that.

(CI:) (After the beep on her home phone� imagine that.) Uh, hi. I don�t know if you remember me but I�m Cruel-Irony and I used to work at my OldWorkPlace but now I work at NewWorkPlace. I mean., I�m doing the same thing but from somewhere else. Except that I�m not doing the same thing that I was before� Yeah. Uh, I hope DP talked to you because I�m not doing this well� but I am working on something that would interest you, I think, because it would put� um, (exactly how do you refer to a murderer who�s a murderer but hasn�t been convicted yet clearly did kill her husband? I mean, I know his name very well. I often say his name instead of cursing, which is probably a sin right there, but� how do you refer to him?) that guy� Well, just call me. (BEEEP.)

I�ll thank my lucky stars that DP explained everything to her and told her to expect my call. And, she actually returned it, and wants to jump into the game.

I love her for that, I hope she�s gained some weight and got some sleep, and I hope Junior�s okay too. And, I�ll be calling her tomorrow. Lets just hope I do better.

See, that kind of stuff just intimidates the heck out of me. And, I�ve experienced six deaths in a year. But none were murders. Well, except maybe the last one. We don�t know about that yet.

However, he wasn�t a spouse of mine.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003