10:51 p.m. | 2004-03-15

How To Get An Office In Four Easy Moves.

Yup. Moved again today. At work, mind you. And, it�s only easy because I�ve never unpacked my boxes.

That�s a sure sign of gypsy blood there. Or perhaps homage to fate. That�s one candle I never snuff. Just to stay on the safe side. I may be a pot-stirrer, but I�m not a fate-tempter.

Just to recap, when I fortuitously ended up at my NewWorkPlace, I was moved into the common area. A week later, I was moved into a two-person office with OfficeMateColleague (OMC). We were there about a month before we were moved into a three-person office with NewOfficeMate (NOM). Today, I moved into my own office.

Well, kind of. I still have boxes to unpack and all. But, I finally have the space I need and somewhere to put all my crap. You know, once I move it there. Or rather, once OMC moves all my boxes for me. I have a rather delicate constitution in case you didn�t notice.

I have arrived, I guess, as I�m no longer �down the hallway�. Lets just hope I unpack workboxes better than the ones I still have at home. That�s a lot of hope. Just to let you know.

The best thing about it? I can now watch my TV with sound. That�s truly pathetic considering that I�m watching �special TV� and not regular TV. Basically, I�m watching work stuff, which is just not that exciting.

The part that is exciting to me is that I can match names to voices, and no longer have to try to lip-read everything that�s said while I�m writing stuff. Previously, I only had voices and no faces, and then when OMC came aboard, I had to mute it all as he�s way more sensitive, and intolerant, to sound than I am. He�s gonna be in a lot of pain when he realizes that a huge portion of his job involves listening. But, well, I�ll let him find that out later. He is new and all, and I�ve been doing this for years.

And, yes, I do have a window. With a view that features a tree. Well, okay, the tree is the view. Not that I object, not at all, just that it IS right there. The branches are smashed up against my window, hence, that�s all I see.

But hey, all three of my windows open � love that � and a view of a tree far surpasses many other views, so I�m a happy camper. I�m quite pleased to unpack my boxes and finally settle in.

The irony? My desk is �on blocks� (raised up for a tall person), while neither OMC�s or AOM�s are lifted. In fact, I had raise my chair and my toes now cling to the top of my footrest.

That irony isn�t lost on OMC. Not at all.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003