10:15 p.m. | 2004-05-17

Fly Me To The Moon.

I�ve been seeing a bit of a theme in my daily thoughts. As of late. Planes, the ocean, cruise ships, beaches, tropical drinks. That sort of thing. That�s a clue, you know.

I�m way overdue for a vacation. I know, because I want to fly to work now. Granted, my WorkPlace is only two blocks away, but I want some sort of take off and landing action going on between here and there.

That�s a sure sign. Right there.

Since I don�t believe there�s a plane that can take off and land within a two-block radius, I�m thinking I�d be happy being catapulted to work. Or perhaps, shot out of a cannon.

Okay. Yeah. I�ve been working seven days a week. Not that I don�t love my work, but it�s becoming much more monotonous. In fact, I�ve discovered that working all day and all night is quite similar to working fulltime and going to school or doing homework all night.

I actually thought, after 14 years of doing just that, I could sit back at some point. But, yeah. Not so much.

Am I bitter? Um, yeah. Call me a lemon if you want. But, don�t call me yellow. Or whatever.

There's a three-day weekend coming up though. I was excited about that. Until NewBoss reminded me that he covets three-day weekends because it includes one more day in which you can work without being disturbed by others. It�s like a head start day for him.

Not so much for me. Call me lazy, or shiftless even, but I do think life should be balanced. However, last time I checked, no one asked me my opinion. There it is though, lest you were wondering.

In other news, Boss (my former boss) is back working at my OtherWorkPlace across the street. Much as I predicted. We�ve even worked together and have done lunch. I knew she�d be back; it was only a matter of time.

Oh, and I do believe that BestestGirlfriend graduated law school this past weekend. I haven�t heard from her for a while, but it gets busy there at the end. Now she just has to get that whole pesky bar exam behind her and then we can start hanging out again. I�m thrilled about that.

Not much else going on. Well, except that I�m already hooked on �Colonial House�. Did anyone else watch that? No? Just me? Well, okay then.

I definitely need a vacation. It�d be a public service at this point. Really.

Quip of the day:

(CI:) This is Native American, right?

(OtherPerson:) No, it�s American.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003