11:06 p.m. | 2004-05-22

I Think BostonBoston Initiated Phase One Of A Committed Brunch Relationship Today.

For background� I go to brunch every Saturday in honor of my deceased father. It�s an odd type of commemoration, granted, but MyDad and I had habit of eating out together. It�s a long story. Short story is that I go to brunch every Saturday, and read the paper to honor MyDad.

Originally, when I started this, um, �tradition�, I went to TheDiner. Then it closed so I ended up going somewhere else. I�ve been going �somewhere else� long enough to become a regular. And, as it happens, I have a regular waiter. Who happens to be really, really hot.

Now, I attended JournalCon last year and there was a waiter there, AustinAustin, who was very, very hot. Hence, BostonBoston�s moniker. However, I have to say that AustinAustin was younger and more openly flirty while BostonBoston is a tad older and a little more reserved. But, hot nonetheless. And, attentive. I must say.

I have to admit that I�ve been �straying� a little bit lately and have been going to other places for brunch. Mostly because other folks have asked me to check out places for them. And, I have to say, I�ve been missing BostonBoston.

However, today, I was right back there. And, BostonBoston was as diligent as he�s always been. We always flirt a little, but it�s very subtle and he�s always quite professional. Which works well for me since I�m actually, in spirit, having lunch with MyDad. Well, and reading the paper. BostonBoston is always careful not to disturb my reading time.

Yet, he always knows to bring me an ice tea and salad � with dressing on the side � take my order, and eventually, bring me a to-go box. He�s also very diligent with the refills and checks in now and then to make sure everything is fine.

Additionally, he always seems to know the exact moment when I step into the restaurant. I mean, he�s right there. And, even the other wait staff seat me in his section and actually call me by name.

BostonBoston was no different today, except for that one moment. He brought me my bill, set it on the table, looked me in the eyes and said: �I�ll see you next week, right?�

Of course.

But see, like I said, I�ve missed some Saturdays. I�ve gone to other restaurants. And, I have to say, that I always miss BostonBoston. However, I wasn�t thinking he missed me much.

On the other hand, he always seems happy to see me. But, then again, I�m a good tipper. Who knows? And, I do think it�s interesting that all the waitresses call me by name even though I�ve never been seated in their sections.

For now, though, I think BostonBoston has upped the brunch ante a little. It�s like he�s being a little possessive.

Well, you know, in that Saturday brunch kind of way. I think I like it. I can deal with brunch possessiveness.

A side of flirting always makes it sweeter too. Just saying.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003