11:42 p.m. | 2004-10-14

Here�s What I�m Thinking About.

I�ve been on vacation for almost two weeks � hence no updates � yet, I�ve been stuck at home. Primarily because I�ve been fixing my meds. Blah, blah, blah� yada, yada, yada. Those who take them know what I�m talking about. Don�t fuck with the meds. Seriously.

Anyway, I�ve been watching a lot of daytime TV and here�s what I want to know. Why is it okay to say bitch, slut, whore, damn, and hell, but not okay to say that you�re �pissed off�? I mean, really� they bleep it so the person says something along the lines of: Well, he/she gets really bleep off!!

Do producers really think we�re that stupid? We all know you can�t say �fuck� or �bullshit�. Well, you can say the �bull� part if you talk at a slow pace. Do they think we think the person is saying �fucked� off or �shitted� off?

I don�t think so. Of course, I can�t speak for the rest of you. But, I�m guessing you�d agree with my deduction.

However, an even better question is why �pissed off� even became slang for �mad� or �angry�. I mean, what does piss have to do with any of it? Really?

Perhaps I need to go back to work.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003