| 2004-11-23

I Need To Get My Groove Back.

My updating groove, I mean. All my other grooves are in order. Once you get out of the updating habit, it can be difficult to get back into it.

Let�s see� what�s there to talk about?

Well, at work we�re participating in a canned food drive to collect food to donate to the local shelters. We do this every year so it�s not something new. Nor is it usually exciting. However, this year is different. Because one of my colleagues, Fargo, is very motivated to win.

What do the top donors win? Uh, nothing. Which is appropriate considering that it�s a charitable endeavor. But Fargo wants to win very, very much. For altruistic reasons? Um, no. He just wants to win. That�s good though because he�s got everyone all revved up to donate stuff.

Last week, we lost to another unit (The Enemy) by only a few cans. We were very disappointed. So we�re fired up this week. And, we�ve been sending spies over to The Enemy to see how they�re doing. They�ve been sending spies over here too. As far as we can tell, we�re about even right now. We both suspect each unit is holding back a stockpile to be produced right before the final weekly count.

We even talk strategy.

What else?

Well, tomorrow is a big day. Obviously it�ll be November 24. Not so obvious? Two years ago tomorrow, MyDad died (heart attack) and one year ago MyExBrotherInLaw � EldestNephew�s father -- was found dead. So, in a way actually, today is a big day too.

I just need everyone in my life to stay alive for a few more days. That�s all. Then, I�ll have gone one whole year with no family-related deaths. And really, six deaths in a year is a little over the top, don�tcha think?

But, no more talk about that for now. Don�t want to jinx myself. Just keep breathing, okay?

Don�t know if I told you or not but I�m going to YoungerSister�s house for Thanksgiving. They don�t live too far away so I�m just going for the day. I�ll spend most of my time playing with LittleNephew. Then I�ll go home completely exhausted. I�m looking forward to it.

Oh, and I�ll give thanks too. I�ll be doing lots of that.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003