9:13 p.m. | 2004-11-24

We Are The Champions.

As I mentioned previously, we�re participating in a canned food drive at work. Our self-appointed team captain is my colleague Fargo who is very driven to win. Last week, we lost to The Enemy (another department) by a handful of cans. Notwithstanding the fact that this week was a short work week, we were determined to beat them. This passion, if you will, was continuously fueled by Fargo�s rather interesting desire to WIN. Apparently, he�s quite competitive.

As for myself, I cleaned out my �pantry� (I�m using that word liberally � my food storage area is about as big as a breadbox. Seriously.), bought some canned goods that were on sale when I was out running errands and contributed money to weekly Fargo�s shopping mission. Others pitched in just as feverously.

Of course, we sent our spy into Enemy territory to scope out their donation bin. In a moment of group panic this afternoon, we started grilling The Spy. It went something like this.

(Spy:) Their bin is overflowing.

(NewColleague:) So is ours. By how much is it overflowing?

(Fargo:) How high is it?

(CI:) Do they have stuff on the floor?

(UA:) If they do, how many things are on the floor?

(T-Bar:) Does it look like they have more things than us?

(Spy:) Uh� it�s OVERFLOWING. I don�t know by how much.

(NewBoss:) Spy, you have to go back and get us some answers.

(Spy:) I can�t do that; it�d be obvious.

(NewBoss:) Not if you did it right. Just go over there, lean against the wall, pretend like you�re talking to someone really important on your cell phone and mentally count everything you can see.

(Spy:) I can�t go back over there. Look, it�s gonna be close.

(NewBoss:) Okay. Let me put it this way. If you were a betting person, who do you think would win?

(Spy:) The Enemy.

That, of course, threw us into a panic. We struggled to decide whether or not we should run out and get some more canned food goods. Alas, we were too late. They were already counting.


We beat The Enemy. By ONE can. ONE can!

Needless to say, we were ecstatic. Ridiculously ecstatic. I don�t even think the hungry people, to whom this food is going, are going to be ecstatic. The local shelters might be though as Fargo�s enthusiasm compelled us to donate more than three times the amount of items we contributed last week. In a three-day work period with more than half our staff absent.

We have seriously stepped up our game. If we continue at this rate, we�ll soon be on the receiving end of our giving.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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