| 2005-01-04

Back on Track.

I had a mellow New Years as is typical. On Monday, I returned to work. I�ve really enjoyed having so much time off but it�s kind of nice to get back into a routine. Getting up early? Not so nice.

The new year has brought changes, of course. Amongst them, UA was transferred over to MyOtherWorkPlace across the street so I don�t get to see her much during the workday. Especially considering she was previously right outside my office. I�ve known for a while that this was going to happen but I�ve been in denial about it. It�s much harder to deny when she�s just not here. I think it�s a good opportunity for her though so I�m happy about that.

It�s cold. Really frigging cold. However, I�m happy that it stopped raining for the moment. That helps. And, I know I bitch about this every single winter, but I hate being cold. Hate it.

I�ve been getting geared up for a new work season. Work is starting to pick up pace and I�ve been busy setting everything up for a new year. Trying to get back in the habit of watching TV (not the good kind) and writing at the same time. (Read: Mostly, I turn on the TV and promptly tune it out. That�s par for course at the beginning of the season.) I�ve got new files, new topics and new colleagues. Keeps things interesting.

I�ve been cleaning off my desk too. I love throwing away all paperwork from last year. However, it is now obvious that my desk needs a good thorough dusting. No wonder I�ve been sneezing.

your thoughts?

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