10:47 p.m. | 2005-01-10

Just Checking Vital Signs.

This has been going around. I swiped it from tuff517.

1. Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought: Jalapenos, waterchestnuts, olives and cheese. It�s an odd combination, but the last time I bought anything was when I went grocery shopping on Saturday.

2. Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, water, water and iced tea. Yeah, pretty much? Just water.

3. Last Time You Cried? A couple of weeks ago I believe. You�d think I�d remember since I rarely cry but I like to sweep things like that back under the rug where they belong.

4. What's In Your CD Player? Az�car, the magic of Spanish guitar, Guido Luciani. I find it exquisite and very relaxing.

5. What's Under Your Bed? Normally, I don�t like to have anything under the bed but I live in a really small home so well, I have to utilize all my available space. Let�s see, there�s shoes for sure � that�s where I keep them, my duffle bag, historical scrapbooks (some from my own family; some from a stranger�s family), spare packages of toilet paper and bar soap and, last but not least, a really super ugly spice rack straight from the �70s. (You�d think I�d know better than to say yes to EldestSister or MyMother without asking pertinent questions first. Had ES told me the spice rack was from the 70s, I wouldn�t have said �yes, I need a spice rack�. Those two just can�t throw away any thing so they pass it off to someone else to get rid of. Frankly, I forgot that was under there until I looked; it�ll be leaving soon.)

6. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 7:48am. My alarm is set at 6:00am but I don�t really hear it anymore due to the construction next door. The beeping (trucks backing up) starts at 5:00am and is about 1,000 times louder than my alarm. However, after I finally woke up, I showered, got dressed, dried my hair, put on makeup, took my blood pressure, recorded my current weight and steps walked yesterday, threw my breakfasts and lunches in my travel case, picked up my newspaper in the lobby and walked to work. I got there a couple of minutes before 8:30am (starting time).

7. Current Hair? Long, straight brownish-blonde. Tucked behind my ears.

8. Current Clothes? Jeans, sweatshirt, slippers and of course, my pedometer.

9. Current Desktop Picture? Just a generic windows one.

10. Favorite Places To Be? The ocean (or any body of water), my home, gardens, in any area with lots of nature and amongst my friends.

11. Least Favorite Places? At a meeting on a beautiful spring day, outside when it�s raining and in trouble.

12. If You Could Play An Instrument? Probably the piano.

13. Favorite Color(s)? Yellow and red.

14. How Tall Are You? 4 feet 11� inches. When I was twelve, a doctor told me that the tallest I would ever be would be 5�0�. That became somewhat of a goal, but not one that I achieved. Well, outside of my driver�s license anyway.

15. Favorite expression? Wow.

16. One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Talk To: MyDad.

17. Favorite Day(s)? Friday and Saturday. And, Christmas in July (family day).

18. Where Would You Like To Go? All over the world. Oh, and to my masseuse.

19. Favorite food? Wow. I don�t know if I can pick a favorite. I know what I don�t care for� I�m not really fond of sweets, I�m allergic to seafood and I don�t care much for fast food. Fortunately, for whatever reason, I tend to really love healthy foods.

20. Color of most clothes you own: Black, red and blue.

21. Number of pillows you sleep with? Two.

22. What do you wear when you go to sleep: Normally nothing but it�s been so cold lately I�ve been wearing a nightshirt. I might have to give that up soon though because I can�t stand all the twisting up of clothing and whatnot.

23. What were you doing 12AM last night? Trying to go to sleep.

24. How old will you be in 10 years? 50. Cool.

25. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Whining less frequently, I hope. Definitely, I�ll be working (damn law school loan) and doing chores. I might be married but, know what? Each year that passes I get tougher to tame.

26. Are you paranoid? Only when my ego gets in the way and I think I am the axis upon which the universe spins. I�m working on it.

27. Do you burn or tan? Tan? Surely, you jest.

28. What is the brand of your wallet? Is this really an issue for people? Um, I don�t have a wallet. I keep my cash separate from my cards and my cards separate from identifying information. I have my own little system going on. One that doesn�t involve a wallet or brand names.

29. First piercing/tattoo? My girlfriend pierced my ears the old-fashioned way (needle, thread, ice cube) when I was about 7 or 8. When MyMother found out, she was furious and I had to let the holes close up. She had a rule that you had to be at least 13 years old to get your ears pierced. So, I got them pierced again when I was 13. No tats.

30. Last person you yelled at? The only time I can recall yelling at anyone was several years ago when I was caring for a 3-year old and an infant at the same time. There was some serious diaper leakage, a complicated infant outfit (with no snaps), no change of clothes, I had no where to set the baby down without creating a mess and the 3-year old was following me around asking me a gazillion questions. I asked her (the 3-year old) to �please be quiet� nicely in a half-dozen different ways until I realized that wasn�t working. Finally, I raised my voice and told her to �shut up�. She recognized that and instantly stopped talking. Even though I know that�s the normal method of communication in her household, it still bothers me to this day.

31. Last thing you ate? A handful of pretzel mix.

I made all my lunches then, with the exception of today, I discovered that I had lunch plans for the rest of the week. Two lunches were previously arranged and two more were arranged today. They�re all social, as opposed to business, so I�m really looking forward to each one. I might have to freeze those lunches I made. No matter.
Oh, and I got another new project. Outside of my new workload which is already piling up.

I�m seeing lots of overtime in my very near future. Once again.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003