10:32 | 2005-01-23

Random Things That Freak Me Out A Little. Not A Lot, Just A Little.

Top of the list? Collector dolls. You know the ones I�m talking about? The ones for grownups that are placed on stands that, um, go up their bums? The ones that are perfectly coiffured, dressed to the nines and sport themes? Yeah, those.

Clowns? No. Not at all freaked out by clowns. Excepting John Wayne Gacy and that whole crowd. But generally speaking, clowns aren�t freaky to me.

As a side note, if you collect such dolls, I don�t mean any offense. Just that they freak me out. A little. To the point that I don�t have any in my house. And, I�ve only purchased one in my lifetime. It was a favor. She wanted a Parisian doll and I was going to Europe. I brought home a Parisian doll. Huge sigh of relief when that was out of my suitcase.

Next on the list? Doll and gun shows. Since I shot a bunch of guns, I�m not so skeered of them anymore. Yet, I don�t really like them all that much. I could go my whole life without ever shooting, or even seeing, a gun again. The doll and gun show combo? You won�t find me there.

Also, Precious Moments figurines. Are those still around? Their eyes are freakishly large. I know that�s supposed to endear people, but it�s just kind of yicky to me. I much prefer the huge eyes of a baby or a puppy/kitten. Not so much when they�re trying to portray adults. Kind of creepy.

Phew. I don�t exactly know why I felt the need to share all that, but there it is.

I�ve been busy lately. Both at work and at home. The most dramatic increase in productivity has been at home. (That�s not to say I haven�t been productive at work. Quite the opposite lately. Overtime� yawn. It�s sooo common.)

But, I�ve been lacking in my newspaper reading (the part I do on my own time; not the work-related stuff). Something UA (former colleague who I still work with, and a friend) noted recently. This is some of that.

(UA:) Hey, you read about this right?

(CI:) Uh, no I missed that. Not a lot of time lately.

(UA:) Surely (Shirley, heh), you know about that.

(CI:) No. No. I. Don�t. Not a clue.

(UA:) Come on, what happened to: �I read the paper every single day� Cruel Irony?

(CI:) Missing in action obviously. Look, I�m lucky if I read a single headline lately. So busy, so tired. You pick. Oh, and I hate January. Just generally.

(UA:) Well, let me tell you what�s been in the news.

(CI:) Please do.

Honestly, that�s pretty much how I�ve been getting my news lately. At the water cooler. Just never mind my subscriptions to various papers. The only time I get a good decent read on the paper lately has been on Saturdays. At brunch.

I think MyDad was onto something when he started that habit. The brunch/newspaper habit.

That's a keeper for sure.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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