10:52 p.m. | 2005-02-26

Small Towns.

Has anybody else been watching Town Haul? The advertisements, before the program was launched, made the whole thing seem sweet and quaint. I fell for that image even though I have personal knowledge that it is not so.

See, I grew up in small towns. All the way through high school. Small towns? Not so sweet and quaint. And, I have absolutely no idea why I thought it�d be different when I tuned into the show.

Yes, everybody does know everyone else. Everybody greets others by name, helps out in whatever way is needed and looks out after their neighbor. That�s the good side.

On the flip side, yeah, not so pretty. But not so different from anyone else. Living anywhere else. Again, I don�t know why I thought it was different. Maybe I�ve been living in MyTown too long. The towns I grew up in had, at the most, 2,500 people. Usually, they had less than that. MyTown? Over 1 million people.

I think that I bought into that whole quaint image because it is so sweet. Living in a very populated area is not so friendly. However, people have the same issues no matter where they live. And, I was reminded of that by the show.

I have to say that I�m no exception. No matter where you put me, I have no less or no more problems than anyone else. I am somewhat sweet and quaint though. At least I like to think so.

Okay, mostly I�m just short and I have a cute smile. Oh, and I�m friendly. Unless I�m pissed off. Then I�m just short.

See, small town or big town? It just doesn�t matter. People are people.

your thoughts?

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