10:06 p.m. | 2005-05-15

When I Experience A Burst Of Energy, Why Am I Calling Myself �Spry�?

Spry. Hmm. Great �hangman� or �scramble� word, by the way, but one that�s often, or rather, predominately associated with old people. And, to all the youngsters out there, I am old. But, in the grand scheme of things, yeah� not so much.

Yet, I�ve been prone to be prone lately. On the weekends anyway. Otherwise, I�ve been working overtime. Oh, I do the regular chores, of course, but a lot has fallen by the wayside lately.

I�ve been busy working out some emotional/mental problems. That seems to require a fair amount of weekend bed-rest. At least for me. Maybe not so much for you. And, it�s been helpful. In an intangible sort of way. That�s all fine and good but it hasn�t helped me with the Spring cleaning. Not at all.

However, this weekend? Full of activity.

I went to brunch, did grocery shopping, ran errands, did laundry, cooked and cleaned. Plus, I put in 10 hours of work.

I have to say that working through emotional/mental problems is not easy. At all. But breaking through all that? Very liberating and gratifying. Plus, it makes things much easier. And, more clear.

I�m not prone on being prone anymore. That�s good considering that Spring cleaning is way overdue.

Good thing I�m feeling spry.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003