10:23 p.m. | 2005-05-16

A Lesson I Learned About �Really Huge Favors�.

I�ve been working on asking for assistance here and there as you probably know. And, I�ve made progress on that front. That�s not an easy thing to do when you�re not used to receiving any help much less asking for it. But this weekend, I got a taste of what that looks like to other rather normal people.

This is that.

(MyFriend:) Hey CI. Can you do a really huge favor for me?

(CI:) (Thinking: Wow, what? Really huge is normally huge. To me.) Of course. I�ll always do a favor for you.

(MyFriend:) Well, here�s the thing. See, I forgot that I had to do this thing so I wasn�t prepared to do all that and now it�s down to the wire and I really hope you can help me.

(CI:) Sure. What�d you need?

(MyFriend:) I really hate to ask you this� can I borrow your stapler? Would that be okay? I mean, I�ll return it right away and I�m sorry to put in this position.

(CI:) Of course. Let me get it for you.

(MyFriend:) Do you mind if I try it to see if it works before I borrow it?

(CI:) Uh, no. Staple away.

(MyFriend:) It works. Are you sure you don�t mind if I borrow it for an hour or so?

(CI:) Not at all.

(MyFriend:) Sorry to trouble you.

The stapler? No trouble. What�s troubling to me is MyFriend was a clear reflection on my past [and sometimes current] behavior. Traditionally, I�ve had trouble asking for help and when I have, I always thought I was asking for a �huge favor�.

I�m somewhat on the other side of that equation now. This was absolutely not a huge favor. Not at all. However, MyFriend�s approach made it seem like it was the biggest thing in the world. Totally understand that. Every single time I�ve asked for help or assistance in any way I�ve started with �can I ask you for a HUGE favor�.

Now I know why people have appeared bored or impatient listening to all my backstory. Who cares? Seriously. It�s a fricking stapler. Had MyFriend asked me to if they could have my stapler, I would�ve simply handed it over. (I have more you know. Love, love, love the office supplies.)

The greatest thing is that I learned how annoying I can be when I ask for assistance. Generally speaking, people do want to help each other. At least, the people I encounter.

The ironic thing is discovering that the thing you think is a big favor really isn�t. Depends on the person, of course, but what�s big to one person is nothing to another. Borrowing my stapler? Minus 37 on my Richter scale.

Another thing I learned is that while I believe that �air quotes� should include some bending of the fingers to indicate the �quote� part, it�s not necessary. Albeit, had that movement been rambunctious, I might�ve confused it with �raising the roof�. Just saying.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003