10:57 p.m. | 2005-08-02

Train Tokens Of Appreciation.

I�m having lunch with YoungerSister tomorrow. On her side of town. Well, her work-side of town as she lives in a different town. She works in MyTown. Within my old �hood actually.

To get there, I�m going to ride the public transit train for the very first time. Actually, this will be the first time I�ve ever taken any form of public transportation in my, um� country. Oddly, I�ve taken many forms of public transportation in foreign countries but not so much in my own backyard, so to speak.

I love the fact that MyTown has many ways to transport the public but I don�t participate. Mostly because I can walk to where ever I�m going. However, I must admit that the main reason that I eschew public transportation is because I don�t understand all the complicated schedules, routes, machines and whatnot.

But I�m gonna do it because I told YoungerSister that I�d be happy to hop the train to meet her, on her side of town, for lunch. Up until now, she�s always hopped the train to my side of town for lunch.

It�ll be a new experience for me and I�m excited about it. I need to figure this stuff out so I have options and whatnot. And, it�s long overdue. I�ve been telling YS I�d come to her side for about a year now. Thank goodness she�s indulgent.

What�s funny is that it seems somewhat foreboding to me now but it�ll be so easy that I�ll wonder why I haven�t done it before. Which is another reason I�m committed to this train ride. I know that if I get over my initial hesitation, it�ll be such a cinch that I�ll find other ways that it will work for me. And it helps that the train station is between my home and my workplace. It couldn�t be handier.

Tune in tomorrow for the (perhaps dramatic) result.

your thoughts?

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