10:08 p.m. | 2005-08-11

Where Is The Line Exactly?

Tonight, I had a very interesting conversation with one of my single girlfriends (SF) pertaining to marriage. Here�s her question(s).

�All my friends seem to be happily married at first, then it becomes awful. What happens? What is the event that changes everything and when does it happen?�

I couldn�t answer her question, of course, since I�m not married. I have my theories for sure, but they�re only theories. She also wanted to know what makes a happy marriage. As all of you are very smart and have lots of experience, I believe you have some answers to those questions.

If so, please enlighten me and SF by sharing your thoughts via my comments, notes or guestbook. Tell us what works and doesn�t work in a marriage, what�s a deal-breaker and what holds you together.

We�re inquiring minds. And, we want to know.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003