10:08 p.m. | 2005-10-02

Back On Track.

Finally. I�ve switched out computers and done some fixing.

And as a bonus, I bought a new cordless phone. I�m quite sure that�s not remarkable to you, but, generally speaking, I care not about electronic stuff. Love the new phone though so that�s all good. Imagine how exciting it�ll be when I actually make or receive a call. For now, the fact I have a dial tone is enough. I can reach out. You know, if I feel wont to do so.

In other news, I�ve been as busy as a honey bee. However, I�m easing my way up to the slow season. A week or two more on call and I�m home free. So to speak. I can bid adieu to sixteen-hour days and welcome back nine-hour days.

Color me happy. Very happy.

More importantly, I can turn my attention to JournalCon. Got some reservations to make, some shopping to do and a bit of planning to figure out. And, some reading to catch up on. Lots of reading to do.

My health is still an issue. Lots of appointments, testing and medication changes. Everything is fine, I think, but it�s been a challenge fitting all that into ridiculously long working days.

Mostly, at this point, I�m just happy to be back here. Going back to regular updates. Chronicling my monotonous life for all who care to know what�s going on with me.

All of you who do? I love you guys. Seriously.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003