10:40 p.m. | 2005-10-04

A Nice Place To Be.

I read something tonight that resonated within me. Another diarist, ladybugge indicated that she was feeling lonely and that Diaryland is a nice place to go when you feel that way.


Diaryland, or any blog territory, is absolutely a great place to go when you�re feeling lonely, happy, sad, exuberant, angry, excited or just plain normal. It�s an emotional place. It�s a funny place. It�s a compassionate place. It�s a harsh, judgmental space.

In other words, as virtual as it may be, it�s a reflection of the real world. It�s no different than a coffee shop. People vent, celebrate, grieve and go on here as much as any other place.

When I sit down to write here, I often feel like I�ve just sat down in an old worn-out, comfortable and rather forgiving chair. My hands wrapped around a warm cup of hot cocoa. Legs tucked under me. Leaning forward, ready to capture each word shared breathlessly in anticipation of being heard.

I have a voice here. One that often fails to be heard in my everyday life. People listen here. Or not. I can speak and I put my words out there in the universe. My words. Not ones I�ve been told to speak. Not other people�s words. My words.

It�s a chance I take. It�s a stance I take.

Often, this is the most real place I go to. I share some of my deepest thoughts, my most horrible and/or funny moments and I get real here. And, I�m so very glad that this place exists.

There�s something different about writing in a paper journal and writing here. That difference is you. Whether you listen or not, respond or not, or comment or not, I feel that I�ve been heard in some way. You inspire me because you listen.

Everybody wants to be heard. It�s as simple as that.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003