10:37 p.m. | 2005-10-07

Doctor Do Little Is Often Doctor Do A Lot.

So, I had another round of testing today. Thankfully, it was with a doctor whom I don�t see often but have a great rapport with. Plain and simple, the procedure is painful. There�s no getting around that fact. However, this doctor is mindful of that. She also tells me what she�s gonna do before she does it. It seems a small matter but it makes a world of difference.

It�s like the nerve doctor I have to see once in a while. He sticks needles all over me, but always warns me first. �I�m gonna stick a needle in your head (or arm, leg, back� whatever), and it�s gonna hurt. Are you ready?�

See, I appreciate that common courtesy. It makes me less prone to kick a person in the head. My x-ray technician learned that the hard way. Albeit, he did develop the films quite promptly. And, I did apologize.

Anyway, the doctor I saw today? I love her. Wasn�t so sure she�d remember me but she did. What I loved was that she encouraged me through it all. She complimented me too. Told me repeatedly that I was handling it well. I wasn�t but her coaching prevented me from kicking her in the head. That�s often an involuntary reflex when pain is suddenly inflicted upon me. I may not be a nice reaction but I don�t consider it to be an abnormal response.

She�s also somewhat holistic. She inquires about all the medical treatments/conditions that are going on. My other doctors don�t. I think it�s important to know what�s happening universally. So does she. She also spends a lot of time with me which is unusual. It reminds me of the pre-HMO era. Today, she stayed late to talk with me about everything that�s going on with my health. I haven�t experienced that since I was a teenager visiting the family doctor in Small-town, USA.

Let�s just hope the tests result in good news. I think they will, but you just never know.

I still have a dental appointment to attend and two more scheduled doctors� appointments for testing to address my health. Oh, and I need to schedule an appointment to get my car fixed.

But most importantly, I need to attend JournalCon 2005. That�s the most effective prescription I could ever fill.

JournalCon� it�s like hyacinths for the soul. Woohoo!!

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003