9:49 p.m. | 2005-10-12

True Power.

Lots of people think that power is all about money or education or domination. And, they might be right. However, I disagree. I think power is about knowing who you are, accepting it and being okay with it.

Sounds hokey, I know.

But, think about it. Being completely secure within yourself is mighty powerful. To truly not care what people think about you? Who doesn�t want that? Yet, how many people view that type of achievement as power?

That�s what I�m working towards and I�m making lots of progress. Trust me, it�s a powerful place to be. I�ve got a lot more to do � and I think it�s a continuing process � but I�m on my way.

The interesting thing is that I find inspiration from those whom others have deemed �powerless�. People who don�t have money, education or any sort of domination. Heck, they don�t even desire those things.

Hope is often on the top of the list. Right along side of determination, endurance and a really great sense of humor. Lots of creativity too. I can relate.

The personal work that I�ve been doing has brought me to a much more powerful space. It�s an understated strength. A sense of presence that draws attention rather than demands it. One that brings me a tremendous sense of relief. I no longer have to shout to be heard. And, I do not need to be understood.

A peaceful silence is quite powerful.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003