10:19 p.m. | 2005-11-12

I Need To Start Living.

Looking back over my life, I�m realizing that I�ve wasted a lot of time. A whole lot of time. Not that I�ve been unproductive or anything, just that my life is passing by and I�ve spent most of it being reactive rather than proactive.

New Orleans. That�s what brought it to my attention. Since I was about 20 or so, I wanted to go to New Orleans. It was a goal to achieve before I died. Obviously, it didn�t require my impending death to make that an unachievable goal. New Orleans will never again exist like it did before. That�s a loss all of America should grieve about. As I�m sure every resident of that great city does.

My loss is minor, relatively speaking, but it did get me thinking. I�m getting older and well, you just never know what will happen. Opportunities often come with expiration dates.

The things I have done? Not so fulfilling. I think I need to step out and step up.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003