3:27 a.m. | 2005-12-24

Sex In The City. Without The Sex. Or The City. But, With The �In�. Counts For Something, Right?

Several days ago, one of my friends � Slim � invited me to join her and her friend, Mime, at a jazz event. I love jazz. I accepted. I certainly enjoy Slim and Mime�s company so I was good to go.

That was last night, I suppose. As I�m penning this in the wee hours of this morning.

Slim and I got there first. Talk, talk, talking all the way into the bar. Surprisingly, we were carded and then complimented on our ID photos. (Slim�s 10 years past being ID�d; I�m more than 20 years past that. However, I have to admit that both of us, coincidentally, took great pictures this year. Oddly, our ID�s expired on the same day a couple of months ago. We�re even wearing the same color in our new photos. Odd but true.)

So, talk, talk, talking. Not an uncommon thing between us. But then Mime joined us. One of Slim�s friends who actually lives around the corner from me.

Then there was three. Three women all gathered around. That�s when talk, talk, talking takes a turn and becomes serious. Quickly we solved all the problems of the world.

Kinda. It�d be better if we could just solve our own problems. But, for a minute, or most of the night, I felt like I was back in my twenties. Solving all the problems of the world. Except when we were laughing.

We did a lot of that. The laughing. HA! (Like that.)

We�re older. One amongst us claims bitterness. One amongst us is hopeful. One amongst us is both bitter and hopeful. No matter, we knocked heads like a good coffee klatch. Not so social, I think. On the other hand, we made nice with the bartender and, of course, the jazz singer (and several band members) we came to see. Or hear. Or whatever.

It paid off too I suppose. Lovely music and a really, really tiny bill. Amongst us, counting regular cokes (nothing added), drinks (stuff added) and food? Only $20?

InSANE. Somewhere, somehow we were comped. Could�ve been by the band, the bartender or the obvious admirers (of Slim). Comped we were though. And, more power to us I say.

More power to us.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003