10:11 p.m. | 2005-12-30


As I creep up on the New Year, I�ve been pondering resolutions. Generally speaking, I make broad resolutions. Behavioral changes. Like, remembering to smile more often (I tend to be SERIOUS), being kinder (there�s enough negativity in the world, I don�t need to add to that), and washing my car more than once a year (HA!).

This year? A resolution to complain less. Could be, heck, will be a challenge for me. But, I�ll try. I�m trying already. I predict that I�ll be somewhat successful with that resolution.

However, I like to make promises I�m more able to keep. Hence, my other New Year�s resolution is to attend WeetaPieCon. Shoo in there. In case you don�t know.

I�m so excited about attending it�s silly. Not so easy breezy though. Lots of planning I need to do and I�ve got to purchase several things. Winter gear for sure. But, I�m thrilled. Can�t wait.

On another note, one that�s related actually, I�ve been thinking about my life a lot lately. How it�s unfolding. Yeah. Not like I expected. When I was younger, I thought that by my age? I�d be married with kids or some permutation of that equation. Um, that�s not been the case at all, actually.

I was almost married a couple of times but I backed out. No kids either. At this point in time, I don�t even have a pet. Unless you count LittleNephew � whom I love to tease because he�s so inflexible -- but even then? Not so much. He hates it when I do that yet I know he loves me for it. (I know that because I was exactly the same way at his age. So much so it�s scary.)

Anyway, back to my point. Which is that I�m not getting any younger and my life is just happening. What I thought would happen hasn�t happened. Some part of me is still waiting, I suppose. Still waiting for a dishwasher. Or a yard. Maybe a puppy.

Know what I mean?

This is it and I�m getting older. If something�s gonna happen, it�ll be up to me. I�m okay with that. I guess.

What I realized though, is that I still wait for vacations. Like they�re going to happen once I�m married or something. Last time I checked, no ring. Since I tend to wait for vacations to happen, I don�t plan them.

But JournalCon has changed all that. I�ve always thought that vacations were about going to different countries or places and, I don�t know� all things romantic? That�s not happening now or anytime soon.

What I�ve learned is that I love JournalCon events and things like WeetaPieCon. I love adult camp. That�s really what it is. It�s like every great camp experience you had as a child rolled up into a couple of days. The connections you make? Wow.

Suddenly, I�ve realized that these events are the best vacations I will ever have. Without a doubt. These experiences are priceless.

And, I can guarantee you that�ll be one New Year�s resolution I�ll keep. Can�t wait to room with Trance again, and Weet? You did invite me, right?

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003