10:14 p.m. | 2005-12-29

Sudden Inspiration.

I was just minding my own business today when I was stricken with the idea of rearranging my bedroom furniture. I say �stricken� because it�s like that. Once I conjure an idea, it becomes woven into the fabric of my brain so much so that, if I pull a thread, my whole freaking brain unravels. Lord knows �we� don�t want that to happen.

But, rearranging furniture? Not so much anymore. (Weaving is happening as I write this. That scares me.)

I moved a lot as a child, well, and as an adult. Let me try that again� I�ve moved a lot all of my life. Hence, I get bored with my surroundings anytime I stay at a place longer than a year or two. If I can�t or don�t change the structure, I�ve always switched around furniture inside. Just a thing with me, I suppose.

Yet, I so very much want to settle. Leave things alone. I thought I finally roped myself into such a situation when I moved to TheHotel. The amount of square footage that I live in is so miniscule, there really aren�t many options for furniture arrangement.

My bedroom? Yeah. Now, I�m thinking differently. A different arrangement would work a lot better for me I think. The problem? I can�t move furniture around as easily as I once could.

I�m a small person. However, over the years, I�ve amazed people by what I can move around. And, how. When I was in my early twenties and lived in a condo, there came a time when my livingroom was going to be professionally steam-cleaned. (The former tenant �forgot� to do that before I moved in and arranged for it to be done several months later.)

To make the most of it, I moved ALL of my livingroom and diningroom furniture into the kitchen. The very tiny galley kitchen. I moved and stacked furniture until the kitchen was full from floor to ceiling. The carpet cleaners were dumbfounded by this feat.

Several years ago, I attempted to move one of these same pieces a mere inch and gave up after four hours of hard labor.

However, when I get in a mood to rearrange, there�s not much that stops me. I�ll take a piece apart and rebuild it if I have to. If I attempt this bedroom redo, I might just have to do that. Move everything piece by piece.

I�m okay with that. My neighbors might not be as it�ll probably take quite a bit of time and involve a lot of hammering, shuffling, cursing and whatnot. But the vision is already in my head. And, my vision is pretty. I think my bedroom would be much better with a different footprint. I really do.

Heck, since I�m thinking I might start dating again, the bedroom is probably a good place to start mixing things up. So to speak.

What would be really great is if I could just clear the room out and load it back in. Well, and it�d help if I had a bunch of muscular strength. As it is? If I do rearrange things, it�ll be like conquering one of those puzzle-like brain-teasers where you have to move five pieces every time you attempt to place just one in the correct spot. Plus, since I�m not so strong, I�ll probably have to break down every piece. Maybe not though. Once I have a vision, my determination seems to manifest as physical strength. Just like a transformer or power ranger or pippi longstocking.

When I�m determined? Nothing stops me. Sadly, I haven�t been this determined in a long time.

(Note to Boss: When inspired, I get determined. When determined, I�m unstoppable. When unstoppable, I accomplish amazing feats. Take note, PLEASE.)

Yeah, I�d say within a month, my bedroom will be rearranged.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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