11:33 p.m. | 2006-02-07

I Have More To Say. Imagine That.

While I�m on the subject of my parents and my legacy, I guess I have more to say about it. Maybe you don�t know about that part.

See, I�m the last person. The last one with MyDad�s last name. The last one with MyMother�s name. I�m the last person who could carry on both, both of their legacies.

Pretty much? I�ve chosen not to take that route. For lots of reasons.

Most notably, I�ve not married and I�ve not had children. Yet, my other siblings have done all that.

In other words, their eyes have been on me.

I think, I hope, that MyDad was happy with seeing me happy � as he appeared to be. But I know he was disappointed too. Not that my siblings didn�t give him grandkids, just that he was hoping I would keep his name � an assumption that�s not wrong. As an honor to him. That I would give him �Irony� kids.

It was a good presumption, since I was the only one left to give him �Irony� kids, but a wrong assumption. But the last laugh? He�d enjoy it I�m sure. Only because I�m sure I�ll be his only child who doesn�t marry and hence, keeps his last name.

I do feel that responsibility. Being a female, I understand that MyDad�s last name died, officially, with his death. Yet, it is my last name. It�s up to me whether or not it�s carried on to my husband � well, possible eventual husband � and any �possible� children.

When I put it that way, um... his name will last as long as I do. I suppose.

That�s one thing I�ve never understood. As long as I�ve been alive, I�ve known that the family name is important � to MyDad�s family � but I don�t so much get it myself. I don�t want the family name to die out � and as the last person � I don�t want it to be me, but um, I don�t know what to do from here.

Frankly, that�s why I make up my own family. It just seems easier.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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