9:36 p.m. | 2002-06-21

Why Me?

Why not? Ever ask yourself why you were tasked with a heavy burden - a disease, a condition, tragedy, pain, suffering, etc. - rather than someone else? It's a good question and it's worth exploring.

Lets assume there is some powerful force - spirit, fate, god, karma - that dictates how things go in life. Or lets just go with the whole random theory. We're human so we can't be perfect. Just accept that. It's designed that way. And, if we can't be perfect then there are going to be imperfections, right? Where are they gonna fall?

Lets say that you're in charge of the world and, due to nature (probabilities), there has to be a certain percentage of diseases, conditions, tragedies, pain and suffering. How would you mete out those fates? Who would you choose? Would you choose the weak amongst us? Those people that have no coping skills and weak spirits? Or, would you choose the strong ones amongst use who have coping skills and incredible spirits?

I, myself, you choose the latter bunch.

What does that mean? Well, I would choose to have life's difficulties fall upon the people I love and cherish. Because the people I love and cherish are able to cope and are strong. Isn't that ironic? I would, in the end, choose to bestow tragedies upon those that I love and cherish.

Not those weak people who find tragedy in a broken nail or a bad hair day. Oh, not them. Why? Because our world depends on the survival of the fittest. And, maybe the fittest aren't fit, but they're strong.

Wouldn't want to rely on those who don't know how to cope with life. Not at all. And, since I feel that way, those people aren't part of my life. The people who are part of my life are brave people with beautiful spirits. And, great senses of humor. People who can learn from what they experience.

They are not people who want to live life on the surface. These are people that want to really, really experience life while they're here. And, the people that live on the surface wouldn't survive through any kind of tragedy.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm glad that those I love, including myself, are tasked with heavy burdens. What an odd thing to say. Especially since I always want those that I love to experience only the best of life.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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