10:55 p.m. | 2002-08-01

I Feel Like I�m Walking on the Sun�

That particular commercial jingle is now a constant echo in my empty head. And, that�s a good thing. It makes me smile even though I think that actually walking on the sun would be painful. Even sitting in the sun�s rays can be painful. But, that particular snippet of a song I don�t even know makes me feel optimistic and happy. And that is a good thing.

It�s been a long day so I will shamelessly cling to any life preserver, even if it is a commercial jingle. Actually, I�m not �clinging� to anything. I�m just shamelessly happy at the moment which is rather odd since I�m experiencing a tremendous amount of physical pain once again. It�s difficult to have a chronic pain condition but I find, surprisingly, that in the worst moments, I feel the best.

When the pain and suffering gets really bad, my mind just goes on a wild binge of joyfulness. I get high naturally. My mind goes to a PARTAY, like I used to do when I was young and healthy. It�s a good and a bad thing. When the pain gets this bad, I�m actually pretty useless yet my mind is �just walking on the sun�.

Someday it would be really great if my mind and my body decided to party together! But, for now, I�m happy to be happy. Welcome to my party, please share in my joy.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003