9:16 p.m. | 2002-08-02

First Encounters of the Extraordinary Kind.

I was thinking about who my heroes are, recently, and realized that my heroes are all just regular folk. Not anyone you would know or recognize. Just people who are amazing in what they do or who they are. People who have just stepped into their own shoes and stood their ground. Dealing with whatever comes their way without shedding their own skin. People who just are busy being who they are.

And, there is someone on my list that I have a crush on. (Excuse me while I blush.) I thought I was too old to have a crush on anyone, but alas, I do. Actually, I have crushes on several men on my list. But I have to say, an adult crush is really different from a teenager kinda crush. I don�t actually ever wish to be with these men, I just want to admire them from afar. And, yes, Uncle Bob is on that short list.

Love, love, love Uncle Bob. From afar. But I would blush if you called me on it. It�s that kind of thing. And, it�s cool because I haven�t had a crush on anyone for a long time. Tom Cruise? Nope. Christopher Walken? Okay, you caught me on that. But neither one are on my list of heroes.

I like this adult crush thing. It�s all embarrassing and stuff to blush but it�s cool to know that I can still have a crush. And, it doesn�t have any kind of teenage desperation to it. This kinda crush is different because it�s based on the fact that they�re strong men who blatantly love their wives and children. And, of course, they all have a great sense of humor. That is part of what makes them attractive. They all have wives and children that they are dedicated to, yet they are ready, at a moment�s notice, to put on a Superman cape and rescue every last one of us. That�s what makes me blush. They are my Super Heroes.

I am madly in love with my man and will continue to be so. And, he makes me blush also, but in a different way.

Crushes are just fun. And, it�s cool to occasionally blush like a young school girl.

Thanks, Uncle Bob, for my red face. I would thank the other two men that make me blush but I don�t think they�re here at Diaryland.

your thoughts?

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