2:03 p.m. | 2002-08-03

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It�s Off To Work I Go.

What do I do at work? Well, I sit at my desk and push paper around. I read, I analyze, I write, I make recommendations, I talk on the phone to all kinds of people, I research things, I meet with people, I listen to/watch formal proceedings and I learn tons of new stuff everyday. To keep it interesting, I gossip a little at the water cooler, I laugh a lot (especially with my boss), I go to lunch, I trip over my own feet and I occasionally get a paper cut. (Note that paper cuts to the eyes are the most painful.) I keep banker�s hours with a little overtime here and there. If necessary, I take work home, but I try not to. I take my work seriously when appropriate and poke fun at it whenever I can. All in all, I really enjoy my job. Especially on payday.

By far, the greatest thing about work is the people I work with and amongst. Especially my boss. She�s one of the funniest people I know and we�re quite infamous for laughing until we�re crying. Everyday, several times a day.

Some parts of my work are heart-wrenching and some parts of my work are just flat-out boring. Many people think that my job is glamorous and exciting and it is sometimes. But mostly, it�s not. However, I am thankful that I do something I enjoy for a decent wage and benefits. And, all the learning and laughter are priceless perks. I�m a lucky lady. That I am.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003