7:23 p.m. | 2002-08-24

Cooking, Flattery & Skateboarders.

So, I bought an eggplant at the Farmer�s Market this week because it was visually appealing and I like eggplants. Today, I actually cooked it up in one of my favorite recipes which, for lack of a better description, I call eggplant casserole. I mix it with stuff like tomatoes, cheese, onions, garlic, and various seasonings and stuff and then bake it.

I�m quite pleased with myself whenever I cook something because, even though I enjoy cooking, it seems like a lot of work to cook for one. All that time spent preparing, cooking and cleaning up just to spend 5 minutes eating. But, sometimes I get a hankering for one of my homemade favorites, so it�s worth it in the end. Plus, the leftover casserole will serve as breakfast everyday next week. Can�t wait to spring that on my co-workers. I already know how that conversation is going to go.

(CW:) That smells so good! What is it?

(CI:) Eggplant casserole.

(CW:) Eggplant casserole for breakfast?

(CI:) Yes. (Thinking: Yes, you really can eat anything you want for breakfast without breaking the law. Now back away from my desk and leave me in peace. It�s too early in the morning so, for god�s sake, just leave me alone.)


I also went to the store today to purchase a bottle of wine as a gift for a friend of mine. Here�s that conversation.

(Cashier:) Do you have ID?

(CI:) Sure.

(Cashier:) (Checking my ID carefully.) You�re looking so young!

(CI:) Uh, thanks, but I�m getting older every second. I�ll be 38 next week.

(Cashier:) (Looking shocked.) Oh, but you�re looking so young! That is a good thing, yes?

(CI:) Yes that is. (It is now that I�m older. I wasn�t so great when I was in my 20�s and men wouldn�t ask me out because they thought I was jailbait and no one in the workforce took me seriously because I looked like a kid. But, it�s working for me now.)


As I was driving home and turned onto my street, there was one of the impetuous, neighborhood, teenaged boys skateboarding in the middle of the street. And, talking on a cell phone. Now, lots of people drive and talk on cell phones and I think that can be hazardous for some drivers, however, I have witnessed way more mishaps with impetuous, teenaged skateboarders than I have car accidents. So, I�m thinking that this is not a good combination. Plus, one nose dive, and that cell phone is a goner. Good thing I�m an attentive driver because he certainly wasn�t aware of any impending danger.

And yes, by the way, my life is full of these types of exciting, thrilling and dangerous moments.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003